
[ScreenSharing] How to lower the cost of AWS? AWS Lambda vs AWS Fargate

brightlightkim 2022. 4. 29. 03:51

LAMBDA (Serverless Design Pattern)

HOT Function vs COLD Function

  • COLD Function
    • Slower
    • Needs to Warm Up
    • Needs to go to the cloud for the request from the user
    • Find the spot for the lambda function to run
  • HOT Function
    • Faster
    • Function is already warm (already has a spot for running)


AWS (Serverless design paradigm)

  • We need to pay money to make it warm
  • Don't use anything if you are not use it
  • Cheaper


ECS and run our containers  (AWS Fargate)

  • Always warm (Keep them warm)
  • Responses are faster
  • It costs money more than Lambda