[AWS ECS] How to Create a virtual private cloud?

brightlightkim 2022. 3. 23. 03:43

Create a virtual private cloud

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) enables you to launch AWS resources into a virtual network that you've defined. We strongly suggest that you launch your container instances in a VPC.


The Amazon ECS console first-run experience creates a VPC for your cluster, so if you intend to use the Amazon ECS console, you can skip to the next section.

If you have a default VPC, you also can skip this section and move to the next task, Create a security group. To determine whether you have a default VPC, see Supported Platforms in the Amazon EC2 Console in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. Otherwise, you can create a nondefault VPC in your account using the steps below.


If your account supports Amazon EC2 Classic in a region, then you do not have a default VPC in that region.

To create a nondefault VPC

  1. Open the Amazon VPC console at
  2. From the navigation bar, select a region for the VPC. VPCs are specific to a region, so you should select the same region in which you created your key pair.
  3. On the VPC dashboard, choose Launch VPC Wizard.
  4. On the Step 1: Select a VPC Configuration page, ensure that VPC with a Single Public Subnet is selected, and choose Select.
  5. On the Step 2: VPC with a Single Public Subnet page, enter a friendly name for your VPC in the VPC name field. Leave the other default configuration settings, and choose Create VPC. On the confirmation page, choose OK.

For more information about Amazon VPC, see What is Amazon VPC? in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

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[AWS EC2] Amazon EC2 Basics  (0) 2022.03.22