BYU-Broadcast/Bi-Weekly Training

[Bi-Weekly Training] Front-end Training

brightlightkim 2022. 5. 12. 02:42

Vue.js (Web-Client)

  • template
    • html
  • script
    • JS
  • style
    • CSS


Vue.js Features

  • One way data publishing
  • When return to parent, send event to parents
    • To be more deterministic >> maintaining big
      • why did data change?
    • App level >> we can always listens to.


Vue.js Simple Commands:

  • :
    • bind
  • v-for
    • for loop
    • Vue knows with key (2nd one in the list and make an update)
    • Change all of those list >> then just use the index..


Vue.js Templates

  • We can implement it and use it.


Web-Client (BYU-TV and BYU-Radio Websites)



  • ..mapState
    • any thing >> update it
    • where state store data
    • mutations (in a newer Vue.js, no mutation)
      • state (setters)
      • call mutations
    • actions
      • could be asynchronous 
      • change some state
  • mapGetters
    • Get the values of the "Vuex" values
  • mapActions
    • call the actions
  • Generic Components
    • String 
  • Good pattern how to handle these situations
  • player namespace
  • keep things organized


Why Vue.js or React?

  • Capability to have "Reactivity"



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