Algorithms and Data Structures/Data Structures

[Data Structures] Stacks and Queues

brightlightkim 2022. 5. 22. 02:52

Stack (Last-In-First-Out)

  • pop(): remove the top item from the stack
  • push(item): add an item to the top of the stack
  • peek(): return the top of the stack
  • isEmpty(): Return true if and only if the stack is empty


Stack Features:

  • It does not offer constant-time access to the ith item. However, it does allow constant-time adds and removes, as it doesn't require shifting elements around.
public class MyStack<T> {
    private static class StackNode<T> {
        private T data;
        private StackNode<T> next;

        public StackNode(T data) {
   = data;

    private StackNode<T> top;

    public T pop() {
        if (top == null) throw new EmptyStackException();
        T item =;
        top =;
        return item;

    public void push(T item) {
        StackNode<T> t = new StackNode<>(item); = top;
        top = t;

    public T peek() {
        if (top == null) throw new EmptyStackException();

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return top == null;


Queue (First-In-First-Out)

  • pop(): remove the top item from the stack
  • push(item): add an item to the top of the stack
  • peek(): return the top of the stack
  • isEmpty(): Return true if and only if the stack is empty
public class MyQueue<T> {
    private static class QueueNode<T> {
        private T data;
        private QueueNode<T> next;

        public QueueNode(T data) {
   = data;

    private QueueNode<T> first;
    private QueueNode<T> last;

    public void add(T item) {
        QueueNode<T> t = new QueueNode<T>(item);
        if (last != null){
   = t;
        last = t;
        if (first == null) {
            first = last;

    public T remove() {
        if (first == null) throw new NoSuchElementException();
        T data =;
        first =;
        if (first == null) {
            last = null;
        return data;

    public T peek() {
        if (first == null) throw new NoSuchElementException();

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return first == null;