Algorithms and Data Structures/Coding Practices

[Stacks and Queues] CCI 3.1

brightlightkim 2022. 5. 22. 04:47

Question: Three in One: Describe how you could use a single array to implement three stacks.


My Thought Process:

The first one is from the beginning.

The middle one 

The last one is from the end.


Problem: Stack will not have an equal size. 



Stack 1: [0, n/3]

Stack 2: [n/3, 2n/3]

Stack 3: [2n/3, n]



public class ThreeStackInOne {
    private int numberOfStacks = 3;
    private int stackCapacity;
    private int[] values;
    private int[] sizes;

    public ThreeStackInOne(int stackSize) {
        stackCapacity = stackSize;
        values = new int[stackSize * numberOfStacks];
        sizes = new int[numberOfStacks];

    /* Push Values onto stack. */
    public void push(int stackNum, int value) throws Exception {
        /* Check that we have space for the next element */
        if (isFull(stackNum)) {
            throw new Exception("Stack is full");
        } else {
            /* Increment stack pointer and then update top value. */
            values[indexOfTop(stackNum)] = value;

    /* Pop Item from top stack*/
    public int pop(int stackNum) throws NoSuchElementException {
        if (isEmpty(stackNum)){
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        int value = values[indexOfTop(stackNum)];
        values[indexOfTop(stackNum)] = 0;
        return value;

    /* Return if stack is empty. */
    public boolean isEmpty(int stackNum) {
        return sizes[stackNum] == 0;

    /* Return if stack is full. */
    public boolean isFull(int stackNum) {
        return sizes[stackNum] == stackCapacity;

    /*Return index of the top of the stack. */
    private int indexOfTop(int stackNum) {
        int offset = stackNum * stackCapacity;
        int size = sizes[stackNum];
        return offset + size - 1;


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