Basic Coding Info

Yarn Basics

brightlightkim 2022. 6. 14. 08:22


yarn init: npm init

- name

- version

- entry point

- repository url

- package.json file


yarn config set init-license ISC

- change the setting (default)


yarn config get init-license

- Shows that it's ISC


yarn add [package name]

- npm install 


yarn remove [package]

- remove the name and from the dependency


yarn add [package]@[version number]

- creates the specific package


yarn outdated [Condititional: package name >> check the specific package]

- see outdated versions


yarn upgrade

- it updates to the latest versions.


yarn global add [package name, ex: nodemon]

- continually check for the global variable


yarn global remove [package name]

- removes the package


yarn global bin

- check where the global bin is..


yarn list --depth:0

- just see the top layer


yarn list --pattern gulp

- just the dependency for the gulp


yarn add gulp -D

- gulp is added to the development dependency


yarn remove gulp

- remove from the dev dependency



- shows all the dependency files


yarn check

- to check if the files are in sync


scripts: {

    "dev": "nodemon index.js"


>> yarn run dev >> calls for the nodemon index.js


yarn run: npm run


yarn licenses list

- shows all the different licenses


yarn pack


yarn cache list --pattern [package name]

- gives all the info that saved in cache.