Basic Coding Info/Git

[Git] Review git fetch, merge, pull, and push

brightlightkim 2022. 3. 25. 05:41

Basic Git Review

  • git fetch
    • to see if there needs any update
    • downloads content from the specified remote repository
  • git merge
    • merge the remote content refs and heads into a new local merge commit. 



  • git pull
    • download all the changes from the point where the local and main diverged
    • We makes this often to keep our directory up to date and finally merge it with our main branch.
    • We often make pull requests early.
    • When we do commit or push, we can send codes using pipelines to test our codes. 

H point

- This commit is a new merge commit that contains the contents of remote A-B-C commits and has a combined log message



  • git pull --rebase


  • git push


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