
Public Facing API Project

brightlightkim 2022. 7. 19. 02:10

Play Back Service (Business Concept)

  • Play Next 
    • Finish an episode >> What do we suggest them to play next
      • metadata
      • You should play this next
        • Logic is a bit complex
        • Season 1 >> done  >> Season 2
        • Finish show >> we are done >> check homepage, return holiday lists
  • Continue Watching
    • We keep every 15 seconds >> send to other services (history >> user tracking)
    • Resume watching


Focus on the Infrastructure


A lot of volumes: a lot of requests. 


Finish something on the StreamSave V2 done.


refactor it to use the yarn workspaces (create a branch)

  • npm to yarn
  • following the patterns of individual tests.
    • works well with docker and yarn
    • change the imports
    • Move it as a workspace
  • Update the testings scrips to loop through each workspace
    • "test-unit": "yarn workspaces foreach -v run test-unit",
  • Build a CI / CD Pipeline with a BitBucket

'BYU-Broadcast' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Mentorship] Constantly learning and Helping others  (0) 2022.05.17