
How to put images on top of box using TailwindCSS and Reat?

brightlightkim 2023. 6. 18. 06:20
<section className="mb-6">
        <h2 className="text-center text-5xl font-semibold mb-20">
          EyeCanKnow's algorithms
        <div className="flex px-10 relative">
            className="flex-none absolute top-10 left-4 rounded-2xl mb-12 w-1/2 h-96 object-cover"
          <div className="w-full h-96 mb-20"></div>
          <div className="w-full h-96 mb-20"></div>
          <div className="lg:pl-32 xl:pl-20 flex items-center bg-gray-200 rounded-xl text-2xl text-gray-700">
            <p className="pr-8">
              EyeCanKnow utilizes the <b>camera</b> on a test taker's mobile
              device to{" "}
              <u className="underline-offset-4 decoration-red-400">
                measure their deception
              </u>{" "}
              about past experiences via changes in involuntary eye behavior,
              pupil diameter, eye movement, blinks, fixations, and other things.

Use Relative on Parent Instance and put Absolute class instead of fixed. Fixed is only use for navigations or bottoms.

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