
[Screen Sharing] AWS Serverless and Workflow functions

brightlightkim 2022. 3. 31. 04:17

Convert Parallel

- Convert File Type



environment or lain



- Actual Coding

- What we see when we go to or


Dev is what we changed again

- Find the bug or something first >> Test crazy


Stage - Final Task

- If we don't find it in te stage we go to the stage.



- Where I want them to be in Lambda functions

- It has to have the authorizer to run the lambda functions.

- events : mean who can invoke them

- documentation:


Workflow Functions

- Where I should work on.


How to deploy

- npx sls deploy (quick deploy)

- npm run virginia >> comprehensive deploy

- only deploy specific code

- npx sls deploy function -f <function-name>


50% Working on the code 50% learning new stuff

- Learn while doing the code as well.