BYU-Broadcast/ScreenSharing 22

[ScreenSharing] How to lower the cost of AWS? AWS Lambda vs AWS Fargate

LAMBDA (Serverless Design Pattern) HOT Function vs COLD Function COLD Function Slower Needs to Warm Up Needs to go to the cloud for the request from the user Find the spot for the lambda function to run HOT Function Faster Function is already warm (already has a spot for running) AWS (Serverless design paradigm) We need to pay money to make it warm Don't use anything if you are not use it Cheape..

[ScreenSharing] Black-box Testing vs White-box Testing > Make it Functional

For Every new ticket git checkout -b [name of the branch] - Make pull requests - Make a new branch See Commit History Refactor to do it in a functional way. Persisting state to the module Global Map Instead of making state >> state relative to its state (Make them functional) the entire object just depends on the input. remove global variables functional testings (Knows what's passed) make them ..