분류 전체보기 359

ERROR: Failed building wheel for tokenizers (pip install tokenizers) for Mac M1

I am on M1 and managed to go around this in the following way: I installed a rust compiler using brew, and then initialized it. brew install rustup rustup-init Then I restarted the console and checked if it is installed: rustc --version . It turned out you also have to setup the path: export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH" from https://github.com/huggingface/tokenizers/issues/1050 ERROR: Failed bu..

(Solved) npm ERR! code E404 while installing with AWS codeartifact (npm install npm@latest -g)

ERROR While working with command npm install you might be facing the 404 issues as given in below screenshot. Solution inside your PCF folder run the commands. STEP 1 : run below commands to solve this issue. npm config set registry http://registry.npmjs.org STEP 2 : run below command next npm -g install npm STEP 3 : run below command next npm cache clean -f Now you can run npm start. from https..

카테고리 없음 2022.10.06