AWS 71

How to provision AWS resources (Elastic Beanstalk, CloudFormation)

API (Application programming interface) Interacting with AWS Services AWS Management Console AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) AWS Software Development Kits (SDKs) Various other tools AWS Management Console The AWS Management Console is a web-based interface for accessing and managing AWS services. You can quickly access recently used services and search for other services by name, keyword, or ac..

[Cloud Practitioner] AWS Global Infrastructure and reliability

AWS Global Infrastructure High availability and fault tolerance All sorts of deferent areas (regions) AWS DATA CENTERS Helps with when disasters happen. Building our data centers in the large data group High-Speed Fiber Network Each Area is isolated (Security) AWS Regions Data in one region doesn't go to others except for making it specifically. How to choose AWS Regions? Compliance Look at requ..

[ScreenSharing] How to lower the cost of AWS? AWS Lambda vs AWS Fargate

LAMBDA (Serverless Design Pattern) HOT Function vs COLD Function COLD Function Slower Needs to Warm Up Needs to go to the cloud for the request from the user Find the spot for the lambda function to run HOT Function Faster Function is already warm (already has a spot for running) AWS (Serverless design paradigm) We need to pay money to make it warm Don't use anything if you are not use it Cheape..